
Create a signing key

This endpoint allows you to create a new signing key pair for FastPix. When you call this endpoint, the API generates a 2048-bit RSA key pair. The privateKey will be returned in the response, encoded in Base64 format, and you will receive a unique key id to reference the key in future operations. FastPix will securely store the public key to validate signed tokens.


Private key handling: The privateKey you receive is encoded in Base64. To use it, you'll need to decode it using Base64 decoding. Make sure to store this private key securely, as it is required for signing tokens.

Key-ID: The id will be used to reference this specific key pair in future API requests or configurations.

Once the key pair is generated, the private key must be securely stored by the developer, as FastPix will not save it. The public key will be used by FastPix to verify any signed tokens, ensuring that the client interacting with the system is legitimate.

Use case scenario

Use case: A developer building a video subscription service wants to ensure that only authorized users can access premium content. By generating a signing key, the developer can issue signed JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) to authenticate and authorize users. These tokens can be validated by FastPix using the stored public key.

Detailed example: Imagine a scenario where you're building a video-on-demand platform that restricts access based on user subscriptions. To ensure only subscribed users can stream content, you generate a signing key using this API. Each time a user logs in, you create a JWT signed with the private key. When the user attempts to play a video, FastPix uses the public key to verify the token and confirms that the user is authorized.

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