
List overall values

Retrieves overall values for a specified metric, providing summary statistics that help you understand the performance of your content. The response includes key metrics such as totalWatchTime, uniqueViews, totalPlayTime and totalViews.

How it works

  1. Call the List Dimensions Endpoint: Before using this endpoint, you should call the List Dimensions endpoint to retrieve all available dimensions that can be used in your query.

  2. Make a GET request to the /metrics/{metricId}/overall endpoint with the required metricId and other query parameters.

  3. Receive a response containing the overall values for the specified metric, which may vary based on the applied filters.

  • Key fields in response:

    • value: The specific metric value calculated based on the applied filters.
    • totalWatchTime: Total time watched across all views, represented in milliseconds.
    • uniqueViews: The count of unique viewers who interacted with the content.
    • totalViews: The total number of views recorded.
    • totalPlayTime: Total time spent playing the video, represented in milliseconds.
    • globalValue: A global metric value that reflects the overall performance of the specified metric across the entire dataset for the given timespan. This value is not affected by specific filters.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!