
Get all unused upload URLs

This endpoint retrieves a paginated list of all unused upload signed URLs within your organization. It provides comprehensive metadata including upload IDs, creation dates, status, and URLs, helping you manage your media resources efficiently.

An unused upload URL is a signed URL that gets generated when an user initiates upload but never completed the upload process. This can happen due to reasons like network issues, manual cancellation of upload, browser/app crashes or session timeouts.These URLs remain in the system as "unused" since they were created but never resulted in a successful media file upload.

How it works

  • The endpoint returns metadata for all unused upload URLs in your organization's library.
  • Results are paginated to manage large datasets effectively.
  • Signed URLs expire after 24 hours from creation.
  • Each entry includes full metadata about the unused upload.

Use case scenario

  • Use case: A video management team for a media organization regularly uploads content to their system but often forgets to delete or utilize unused uploads. These unused uploads, which have signed URLs that expire after 24 hours, need to be managed efficiently. By using this API, they can retrieve metadata for all unused uploads, identify expired signed URLs, and decide whether to regenerate URLs, reuse the uploads, or delete them.

  • Detailed example:
    Imagine you’re managing a streaming platform with frequent uploads of video content. Over time, some uploads remain unused, resulting in clutter in the media library. To address this, you decide to fetch a list of all unused uploads in your organization using this API.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!