
List breakdown values

Retrieves breakdown values for a specified metric and timespan, allowing you to analyze the performance of your content based on various dimensions. It provides insights into how different factors contribute to the overall metrics.

How it works

  1. Before using this endpoint, you should call the List Dimensions endpoint to retrieve all available dimensions that can be used in your query.

  2. Make a GET request to the /metrics/{metricId}/breakdown endpoint with the required metricId and other query parameters.

  3. Receive a response containing the breakdown values for the specified metric, grouped and filtered according to your parameters.

  4. Upon successful retrieval, the response will include the breakdown values based on the specified parameters. Note that the time values ( totalWatchTime and totalPlayingTime ) are in milliseconds.

Use Case: A developer wants to analyze how watch time varies across different device types. By calling the List Breakdown Values endpoint for the "watch time" metric and filtering by "device type," they can understand how engagement differs between mobile, desktop, and tablet users. This data will guide optimization efforts for different platforms.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!