
Get all clips of a media

This endpoint retrieves a list of all media clips associated with a given source media ID. It helps in organizing and managing media's efficiently by providing metadata, including clip media IDs and other relevant details.

A media clip is a segmented portion of an original media file (source media). Clips are often created for various purposes such as previews, highlights, or customized edits. This API allows you to fetch all such clips linked to a specific source media, making it easier to track and manage clips.

How it works

  • The endpoint returns metadata for all media clips associated with the given sourceMediaId.
  • Results are paginated to efficiently handle large datasets.
  • Each entry includes detailed metadata such as media ID, duration, and status.
  • Helps in organizing clips effectively by providing structured information.

Use case:

Imagine you're managing a video editing platform where users upload full-length videos and create short clips for social media sharing. To keep track of all clips linked to a particular video, you call this API with the sourceMediaId. The response provides a list of all associated clips, allowing you to manage, edit, or repurpose them as needed.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!