
Create a playback ID

You can create a new playback ID for a specific media asset. If you have already retrieved an existing playbackId using the "Get Media by ID" endpoint for a media asset, you can use this endpoint to generate a new playback ID with a specified access policy.

If you want to create a private playback ID for a media asset that already has a public playback ID, this endpoint also allows you to do so by specifying the desired access policy.

How it works

  1. Make a POST request to the /on-demand/<mediaId>/playback-ids endpoint, replacing <mediaId> with the uploadId or id of the media asset.

  2. Include the access policy in the request body to indicate whether the new playback ID should be private or public.

  3. Receive a response containing the newly created playback ID with the requested access level.

Use case: A video streaming service generates playback IDs for each media file when users request to view specific content. The playback ID is then used by the video player to stream the video.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!