
Filters, dimensions and events

FastPix Video Data gives you a set of 56 dimensions that serve as filters for slicing and dicing your data. These dimensions allow you to customize your analysis, enabling you to gain deeper insights into your metrics. By applying these filters, you can segment your data based on various criteria, such as user behavior, geographic location, time periods, and more. This flexibility empowers you to explore trends, identify patterns, and make informed decisions based on your specific analytical needs.

Filters and dimensions in data

List of dimensions available

Browserbrowser_nameThe web browser used by the viewer to access the video content (e.g., Chrome, Firefox).
Browser Versionbrowser_versionThe specific version of the web browser being used.
OSos_nameThe operating system of the device used to access the content (e.g., Windows, iOS).
OS Versionos_versionThe version of the operating system running on the device.
Device Namedevice_nameThe name of the device used to access the video (e.g., MacBook Pro).
Device Modeldevice_modelThe specific model of the device (e.g., iPhone 12, Galaxy S21).
Device Typedevice_typeThe category of device (e.g., desktop, mobile, tablet).
Device Manufacturerdevice_manufacturerThe manufacturer of the device (e.g., Apple, Samsung).
Remote Playedplayer_remote_playedIndicates whether the video was played remotely (true/false).
Playerplayer_nameThe name of the video player used for playback.
Player Versionplayer_versionThe version of the video player software.
Player Software Nameplayer_software_nameThe name of the software framework used by the player (e.g., Shaka Player).
Player Software Versionplayer_software_versionThe version of the player software framework.
Player Resolutionplayer_resolutionThe resolution at which the player is configured to display content.
FastPix FP SDKfp_sdkThe FastPix SDK used for playback, if applicable.
FastPix FP Versionfp_sdk_versionThe version of the FastPix SDK being used.
Player Autoplayplayer_autoplay_onIndicates whether autoplay is enabled for the video (true/false).
Player Preloadplayer_preload_onIndicates whether preloading of video content is enabled (true/false).
Video Titlevideo_titleThe title of the video content being viewed.
Video IDvideo_idUnique identifier for this specific video content.
Video Seriesvideo_seriesSeries name associated with the video, if applicable; otherwise may be blank or null.
FastPix Playback IDfp_playback_idUnique identifier for playback sessions using FastPix technology.
Media IDmedia_idUnique identifier for media content, if applicable.
FastPix Live Stream IDfp_live_stream_idUnique identifier for live streaming sessions using FastPix technology.
Video Content Typevideo_content_typeType of content being viewed (e.g., movie, series, documentary).
Video Source Stream Typevideo_source_stream_typeType of stream from which the video is sourced (e.g., live, on-demand).
Video Source Typevideo_source_typeSource type from which the video is delivered (e.g., application/dash+xml).
Video Encoding Variantvideo_encoding_variantSpecific encoding variant used for delivering the video stream.
Experiment Nameexperiment_nameName of any experiment associated with this video view, if applicable.
Sub Property IDsub_property_idIdentifier for any sub-properties associated with this view, if applicable.
DRM Typedrm_typeType of Digital Rights Management applied to the video content.
ASNasn_nameAutonomous System Number associated with the viewer's IP address.
CDNcdnContent Delivery Network used to deliver the video stream.
Source Hostnamevideo_source_hostnameHostname from which the video content is served (e.g., acdn.ibee.ai).
Connection Typeconnection_typeType of network connection used by the viewer (e.g., Wi-Fi, cellular).
View Session IDview_session_idA unique identifier assigned to each viewing session, allowing for correlation with upstream services such as CDN or origin logs.
ContinentcontinentGeographic continent from which the viewer accessed the content.
CountrycountryCountry associated with the metrics in this view; typically represented by a two-letter ISO code (e.g., US).
Region / StateregionSpecific region or state within a country associated with this view metrics.
Viewer IDviewer_idUnique identifier for the viewer accessing this content.
Error Codeerror_codeCode indicating any errors encountered during playback, if applicable.
Exit Before Video Startexit_before_video_startIndicates whether the viewer exited before playback began (true/false).
Video Has Advideo_has_adIndicates whether ads were shown during playback (true/false).
Video Startup Failurevideo_startup_failedIndicates whether there was a failure in starting video playback (true/false).
Page Contextpage_contextContextual information about the page where the video was embedded or viewed.
Playback Failedview_has_errorIndicates whether playback failed due to an error or issue (true/false).
Custom 1custom_1Optional field allowing users to pass additional metadata for filtering.
Custom 2custom_2Optional field allowing users to pass additional metadata for filtering.
Custom 3custom_3Optional field allowing users to pass additional metadata for filtering.
Custom 4custom_4Optional field allowing users to pass additional metadata for filtering.
Custom 5custom_5Optional field allowing users to pass additional metadata for filtering.
Custom 6custom_6Optional field allowing users to pass additional metadata for filtering.
Custom 7custom_7Optional field allowing users to pass additional metadata for filtering.
Custom 8custom_8Optional field allowing users to pass additional metadata for filtering.
Custom 9custom_9Optional field allowing users to pass additional metadata for filtering.
Custom 10custom_10Optional field allowing users to pass additional metadata for filtering.

Playback events reference

Video Data captures a set of playback events whenever someone views a content. These events are generated by the player and holds relevant information related to the viewer’s journey, his network conditions, rebuffering details, player details, streaming details, video details, the time it took to start his video etc. This information helps us to calculate the total viewer satisfaction with the viewing session.

Key events for tracking user journey:

  1. playerReady: Indicates that the player is ready to start playing the video.
  2. viewBegin: Marks the beginning of the video view.
  3. variantChanged: Occurs when the video quality or format changes during playback.
  4. requestCompleted: Signals the completion of a request for video content.
  5. play: Triggers when the video starts playing.
  6. playing: Continuously monitors the video playback status.
  7. waiting: Indicates that the player is waiting for more data to continue playback.
  8. buffering: Occurs when the video is buffering due to insufficient data.
  9. buffered: Signals that buffering has completed, and playback can resume.
  10. seeking: Triggers when the user seeks to a different part of the video.
  11. seeked: Indicates that seeking has completed.
  12. pulse: Periodic checks to ensure continuous playback.
  13. requestCanceled: Signals that a request for video content has been canceled.
  14. error: Triggers when an error occurs during playback.
  15. pause: Indicates that the video playback has been paused.
  16. requestFailed: Signals that a request for video content has failed.
  17. loadstart: Marks the beginning of video loading.
  18. viewCompleted: Indicates that the video view has completed.