
Metadata associated with a view

In our video data framework, a "view" encapsulates a variety of metadata and events that provide insights into viewer interactions with video content. Understanding these components is essential for analyzing engagement and optimizing content delivery. Below are the key categories of metadata associated with each view:

  1. Player Metadata: This includes information related to the video player itself.

  2. Stream Metadata: Details about the video stream being viewed.

  3. Device Metadata: Information about the device used to access the content.

  4. Network Metadata: Data regarding the network conditions during playback.

  5. View Metadata: Key events that occurred during the view, including start time and end time of playback.

  6. Video Details: Specific information about the video content being viewed, such as title and description.

  7. Geography Details: Information about the viewer's location.

  8. Scores for a View: Evaluative metrics reflecting various aspects of viewer experience, such as Overall Experience Score and Stability Score.

  9. Metrics Metadata: Additional metrics calculated per view, including startup times and buffering statistics.

  10. Events Metadata: Information about the journey of a view, capturing significant interactions during playback.

  11. Custom Metadata: Define and track additional data points specific to your use case and business needs, enhancing the granularity and utility of the insights generated.

Listed are the parameters that are being tracked as part of a view:

Player MetadataPlayer NameThe name of the video player used for playback.
Player VersionThe version of the video player software.
Players ResolutionThe resolution at which the player is configured to display content.
Software NameThe name of the underlying software framework used by the player.
Software VersionThe version of the software framework used by the player.
AutoplayIndicates whether autoplay is enabled (true/false).
PreloadIndicates whether preloading of video content is enabled (true/false).
Stream MetadataSession IDUnique identifier for the streaming session.
Source TypeThe type of media source (e.g., application/dash+xml).
Source URLThe URL from which the video stream is sourced.
DurationTotal length of the video content being viewed.
ResolutionThe resolution of the video stream (e.g., 1920 x 1080).
Streaming TypeIndicates whether the stream is on-demand or live.
Device MetadataOSThe operating system of the device used for playback (e.g., Windows, iOS).
OS VersionThe version of the operating system, if applicable.
BrowserThe web browser used to access the content (e.g., Chrome, Firefox).
Browser VersionThe version of the browser being used.
Device ManufacturerThe manufacturer of the device (e.g., Apple, Samsung).
Device ModelSpecific model of the device being used (if applicable).
Device TypeType of device (e.g., desktop, smartphone, tablet).
Network MetadataASNAutonomous System Number associated with the viewer's IP address.
ASN NameName associated with the Autonomous System Number.
Source Host NameHostname from which the content is served (e.g., acdn.ibee.ai).
CDNContent Delivery Network used for streaming, if applicable.
Connection TypeType of network connection (e.g., Wi-Fi, cellular).
View MetadataView IDUnique identifier for this specific view instance.
Viewer IDUnique identifier for the viewer accessing the content.
View Start TimeTimestamp indicating when playback started.
View End TimeTimestamp indicating when playback ended.
SeekedNumber and duration of seeks during playback (e.g., "5 seeks for 5.50 seconds").
Used FullscreenIndicates whether fullscreen mode was used during playback (true/false).
Exited Before Video StartIndicates whether the viewer exited before playback began (true/false).
Video Startup FailedIndicates whether there was a failure in starting video playback (true/false).
Video DetailsVideo TitleTitle of the video content being viewed.
Video IDUnique identifier for this specific video content.
Video SeriesSeries name if applicable; otherwise may be blank or null.
Video ProducerName of the producer associated with this video content.
Video Content TypeType of content being viewed (e.g., movie, series, documentary).
Video LanguageLanguage in which the video is presented (e.g., Odia).
Geography DetailsCountryCountry from which the viewer accessed the content.
Region/StateSpecific region or state within the country, if applicable.
CityCity details based on geolocation data, if available.
QoE ScoreOverall Viewer Experience ScoreEvaluative metrics reflecting various aspects of viewer experience: Overall Experience Score, Startup Score, Stability Score, Render Quality Score, etc.
Events MetadataEvents MetadataInformation about significant interactions during playback that contribute to understanding viewer behavior and engagement.

Metrics metadata

Metrics metadata refers to the calculations and derived data points that quantify viewer experiences and interactions with video content for an individual viewing session. By analyzing these metrics, you can measure engagement, optimize content delivery, and enhance the overall quality of experience (QoE).

Stability MetricsStability ScoreA score reflecting the level of interruptions during video playback; higher scores indicate fewer disruptions.
Buffer RatioThe percentage of total viewing time spent buffering; lower ratios indicate a smoother viewing experience.
Buffer FrequencyThe frequency of rebuffering events during playback, measured in events per second; higher frequencies can indicate playback issues.
Buffer CountThe total number of times buffering occurred during a video view; frequent buffering can negatively impact viewer satisfaction.
Buffer FillThe average duration (in seconds) that viewers experience rebuffering per video view.
Dropped Frame CountThe number of frames that were dropped during playback, which can affect video smoothness and quality.
Request ThroughputThe rate at which data is successfully received from the server, measured in megabits per second; higher throughput indicates better performance.
Video Quality MetricsRender Quality ScoreA score quantifying perceived visual quality based on the percentage of views rated at the highest quality level (100). Higher scores indicate better visual quality.
Avg UpscalingThe average percentage of time that the video player upscales the resolution during playback; frequent upscaling may affect perceived quality.
Max Upscaling (%)The maximum percentage to which the video player upscales the video resolution to match the device's screen resolution.
Avg DownscalingThe average percentage of time that the video player downscales the resolution during playback; this can indicate how well content matches viewer device capabilities.
Max Downscaling (%)The maximum percentage to which the video player downscales the video resolution to fit the screen.
Average BitrateThe average number of bits per second delivered in the video stream, indicating data consumption and potential quality levels.
Startup MetricsStartup ScoreA score quantifying viewer satisfaction based on how quickly a video starts playing after being requested; shorter startup times lead to higher scores.
Video Startup TimeThe time taken for a video to begin playback after initiation; shorter times are preferable for better user experience.
Player Initialization TimeThe duration it takes for the player to initialize and be ready for playback commands after page load.
Page Load TimeThe time taken for the page containing the video to load fully before playback begins; this influences overall viewer experience significantly.
Live Stream LatencyThe delay between real-time events and their display on viewers' screens during live streaming sessions; lower latency is preferable for real-time engagement.
Avg Request LatencyThe average time taken for requests to be processed during streaming; lower values indicate better performance.
Max Request LatencyThe maximum time taken for any single request to be processed during streaming; lower values are preferable for user experience.
Jump LatencyThe average duration viewers wait for a video to resume after jumping to a new timestamp within the content, measured in seconds.

API parameters in Video Data

Video analytics platforms often collect extensive metadata about viewer sessions, but dashboards typically expose only a curated subset of fields. Our APIs, however, provide granular access to this data, enabling you to build custom dashboards or solutions tailored to your needs.

Below is the list of all API parameters that you can use to get advanced analytics.

workspace_idA unique identifier for the workspace in which the data is stored and analyzed.
view_idA unique identifier for the specific view instance, used to track individual playback events.
fp_viewer_idUnique identifier for the viewer associated with FastPix technology, allowing tracking of viewer interactions.
viewer_idAn optional unique identifier for the viewer accessing the content, which can be used for personalized analytics.
media_idAn optional unique identifier for the media content being viewed, facilitating correlation with other data sources.
fp_live_stream_idUnique identifier for live streaming sessions using FastPix technology, enabling tracking of live events.
fp_playback_idUnique identifier for playback sessions utilizing FastPix technology, useful for detailed playback analysis.
session_idA unique identifier for the session during which the video is viewed, allowing correlation with session data.
video_idAn optional unique identifier for the video content being viewed, used to link metrics to specific videos.
view_session_idAn optional unique identifier that links a specific viewing session to upstream services like CDN or origin logs.
player_instance_idA unique identifier for the instance of the video player being used, useful for tracking player-specific metrics.
beacon_domainThe domain used for tracking beacons related to video playback events, aiding in analytics and reporting.
asn_nameThe name associated with the Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the viewer's IP address, providing network context.
asn_idThe ASN associated with the viewer's IP address, useful for understanding network routing and performance.
os_nameThe name of the operating system on which the viewer's device is running (e.g., Windows, macOS).
browser_nameThe name of the web browser used by the viewer (e.g., Chrome, Firefox).
video_titleThe title of the video content being viewed, providing context for analytics and reporting.
error_codeAn optional code indicating any errors encountered during playback, useful for troubleshooting issues.
error_messageAn optional message detailing any errors that occurred during playback, providing insights into issues faced.
error_contextAn optional field providing additional context about where and why an error occurred during playback.
error_idAn optional unique identifier for tracking specific errors across sessions or views.
country_codeA two-letter ISO code representing the country associated with the viewer's metrics (e.g., US).
watch_timeTotal time spent watching the video content, measured in seconds; important for engagement analysis.
quality_of_experience_scoreA score reflecting overall viewer satisfaction based on various performance metrics during playback.
view_startTimestamp indicating when the viewing session started, allowing analysis of viewing patterns over time.
view_endTimestamp indicating when the viewing session ended, providing insights into session duration and engagement.
buffer_countThe total number of buffering events that occurred during playback; higher counts may indicate performance issues.
buffer_fillThe average duration (in milliseconds) that viewers experience rebuffering per video view; important for quality assessment.
buffer_frequencyThe frequency of buffering events during playback, measured in events per minute; helps identify streaming stability issues.
cdnThe Content Delivery Network used to deliver the video stream; important for understanding delivery performance.
cityThe city associated with the viewer's location; useful for geographic analysis of viewership patterns.
continentThe geographic continent from which the viewer accessed the content; aids in demographic analysis.
countryThe country associated with this view's metrics; typically represented by a two-letter ISO code (e.g., US).
custom_1 - custom_10Optional fields that allow users to pass additional metadata for filtering and analysis based on specific needs or business logic.
exit_before_video_startIndicates whether viewers exited before playback began (true/false), helping assess user engagement at launch.
experiment_nameName of any experiment associated with this video view; useful for A/B testing and feature validation analysis.
latitudeLatitude coordinate of the viewer's location; useful for geographic analysis and targeting content delivery.
live_stream_latencyThe latency experienced during live streaming sessions; lower values are preferable for real-time engagement.
longitudeLongitude coordinate of the viewer's location; complements latitude data for geographic analysis.
page_load_timeTime taken for the page containing the video to load fully before playback begins; impacts user experience significantly.
page_contextContextual information about the page where the video was embedded or viewed; aids in understanding user behavior across platforms.
view_page_urlURL of the page where the video was viewed; important for tracking referral sources and user navigation patterns.
playback_scoreA score quantifying overall playback success based on various metrics such as buffering and startup times; higher scores indicate better performance.
player_autoplay_onIndicates whether autoplay is enabled on the player (true/false); affects user engagement and experience metrics.
player_heightThe height of the video player in pixels; important for determining how much vertical space the player occupies on the screen.
player_widthThe width of the video player in pixels; essential for understanding how much horizontal space the player occupies on the screen.
player_source_heightThe height of the video source being played, which may differ from the player height due to scaling or aspect ratio adjustments.
player_source_widthThe width of the video source being played, which can impact how the video is displayed within the player and its overall quality.
render_quality_scoreA score quantifying perceived visual quality based on resolution and bitrate delivered during playback; higher scores indicate better visual fidelity.
buffer_ratioRatio of time spent buffering compared to total viewing time; lower ratios indicate a smoother viewing experience.
stability_scoreA score reflecting overall stability during playback based on buffering events and interruptions; higher scores indicate fewer disruptions.
regionSpecific region or state within a country associated with this view’s metrics; aids in demographic segmentation.
startup_scoreA score quantifying viewer satisfaction based on how quickly a video starts playing after being requested; higher scores indicate better performance.
video_startup_timeThe time taken for a video to begin playback after being requested, measured in milliseconds; shorter times are preferable for better user experience.
total_startup_timeThe cumulative time from initiating playback until the video is ready to watch, including all delays such as buffering and player initialization.
player_initialization_timeThe duration it takes for the player to initialize and be ready for playback commands after page load, measured in milliseconds.
jump_latencyThe average duration viewers wait for a video to resume after jumping to a new timestamp within the content, measured in milliseconds.
avg_request_latencyThe average time taken for requests to be processed during streaming; lower values indicate better performance.
avg_request_throughputThe average rate at which data is successfully delivered from the server to the viewer, measured in megabits per second (Mbps); higher values indicate better performance.
dropped_frame_countThe total number of frames that were dropped during playback, which can negatively affect video smoothness and quality.
avg_downscalingThe average percentage of time that the video player downscales the resolution during playback; helps assess how well content matches viewer device capabilities.
avg_upscalingThe average percentage of time that the video player upscales the resolution during playback; frequent upscaling may affect perceived quality.
average_bitrateThe average number of bits per second delivered in the video stream, indicating data consumption and potential quality levels.